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Latest Reader Reports from General Travel/Other Locations

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All Reader Reports from General Travel/Other Locations

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Sigurdur Haraldsson/N/A Report in General Travel/Other Locations/Iceland
"Cold Water Diving in the Land of Fire and Ice"
filed Oct 28, 2024 by Ryan M Neely (Experience: 101-250 dives, 3 reports, Reviewer )
4 stars

We had heard a lot about diving Silfra--a traditional bucket-list destination for divers--which saw us researching a trip to Iceland, b... ... Read more Photos available

Deep Blue Azores Report in General Travel/Other Locations/Azores (Terceira)
"Much better than I expected"
filed Oct 17, 2024 by Patrick Ritter (Experience: 501-1000 dives, 3 reports, Reviewer )
4 stars

In the Azores Islands, it's cold water diving. This year, with the warmest sea temperatures on record (surface temp in low seventies) i... ... Read more

Nautilus Explorer Report in General Travel/Other Locations/Sea of Cortez, Mexico
"An expedition on the Nauitilus Explorer on the Sea of Cortez"
filed Oct 12, 2024 by Peggy Goldberg (Experience: Over 1000 dives, 11 reports, Sr. Reviewer )
4 stars

This was a first time expedition to search for Mobula rays, Orcas, Whales, Sea Lions, dolphins and the most important thing on our buck... ... Read more

Diving Guru Report in General Travel/Other Locations/Sri Lanka
"Southside Sri Lanka during the off season"
filed Nov 9, 2023 by Garry Wade Klein (Experience: Over 1000 dives, 3 reports, Reviewer )
2 stars

Did two dives in a break from a two week bus tour of Sri Lanka. Diving in Unawatuna, on the southside of Sri Lanka, in between the div... ... Read more

Argonauta Report in General Travel/Other Locations/Sardinia - Cala Gonone
"Awesome cavern diving"
filed Jul 21, 2023 by SHARA NEIDELL (Experience: 251-500 dives, 5 reports, Reviewer )
5 stars

Please do not be misled by the star ratings regarding marine life - this is truly cavern diving. Did two incredible dives. 1) Utopi... ... Read more

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Complete Articles Available to Undercurrent Online Members; Some Publicly Available as Indicated

Diving General Travel/Other Locations Articles - Liveaboards

Customs Banditos, 7/24
Passengers Board, but this Aggressor Doesn't Sail, 4/24
Guadalupe Island Closing Cost Big Money Guadalupe Island Closing Cost Big Money -- Publicly Available, for liveaboard operators and some customers, 8/23
Are You Safe on a Liveaboard?, Not all liveaboards show adequate concern for your safety., 5/23

Available to the Public
South Caicos, Jupiter, St. Vincent, Cozumel, Undercurrent subscribers are traveling again, 10/21
The Tragic Tale of the Conception Fire, the cause remains unknown, 10/19
Dive Vessel Inspections: Not All Insured Liveaboards Have Been Thoroughly Checked, 10/19
Too Many Divers in Raja Ampat?, how “Instagram Tourism” is ruining dive destinations, 9/19
Dump Valves, Customs Scams, Suunto Lawsuit, your letters to the editor, 7/19
Galápagos, 6/19
Why You Had Better Confirm Your Flight Itinerary, 4/19
Caymans, Cuba, French Polynesia . . ., plus hurricanes, shark dives and two remote sites worth the trip, 11/18
No Side-Mount Tanks on Aggressors?, 6/18
A Creative Way to Create Marine Parks and the U.S. Must Step Up, 4/18
WAOW Liveaboard a Total Loss, 2/18
Misfortune Follows the Siren Fleet, is there something inherently wrong?, 1/18
Wooden Hulls, Tumble Dryers and Single Engines, 1/18
A Tax-Deductible Dive Trip, but too good to be true, 10/17
Belize, Utila, Palau, Komodo, Bonaire, Caribbean whalesharks, missing hammerheads, 6/17
Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification: Indo-Pacific, 2/16
Palau Siren Grounds and Floods, that’s five disasters for eight Siren boats in six years, 9/15
What’s Going on with the Aggressor Fleet?, $500 vouchers may not be enough to quiet complaints, 8/15
Avoid New Liveaboards for at Least a Month, 7/15
A Bad Night on the Wind Dancer, divers and crew endangered as reef rips open hull, 6/15
Snafu in the Solomons, 9/14
Choose Your Dive Boat Wisely, three Thai liveaboards sink in three weeks, 3/14
Bahamas, Hawaii, the Red Sea. . ., one Micronesia resort worth visiting, another that’s not, 7/13
Curacao, Fiji, Papua, Maui . . ., dive sites where you can expect the unexpected, 4/11
Thailand, Cocos, Hawaii, Maldives..., Thai tech dives, an easy wreck dive and El Niño’s ups and downs, 8/10
What? On a Liveaboard With No Passport?, 9/09
Great Live-Aboard Living, and our day-boat choice on Ambergris Caye, 9/05
The Next “Best Destination in the World?”, and a few not worth visiting, 8/05
Five Personal Caribbean Favorites, and summertime in Cayman, 6/02

Diving General Travel/Other Locations Articles - Land Based

Death and the Full-Face Snorkel Masks, 11/24
Would You Dive Alone? Part I, many subscribers would, and many won't, 11/24
Always Do a Buddy Check Always Do a Buddy Check -- Publicly Available, 10/24
Airlines Take Lithium-Ion Batteries Seriously, 7/24
Belize Diving Death; Always Test Your Air, 7/24
Climate Changed has Damaged Reefs for Decades, when we said so, some divers kissed us goodbye, 6/24
How Should We Tip the Dive Crew? How Should We Tip the Dive Crew? -- Publicly Available, whatever makes you comfortable, 4/24
The Astounding Rate of Liveaboard Deaths, 4/24
Remembering Paul Humann, 3/24
Tipping for Divers; Part 1, will we learn from the Europeans?, 3/24
What's Happening with Liveaboards? What's Happening with Liveaboards? -- Publicly Available, caveat emptor rules, so act accordingly, 2/24
Attitude Keeps You Alive, 2/24
The Most Dangerous Thing You Will Meet is Your Boat, 2/24
Pointer Sticks - Something You Should Do Without?, 2/24
The 2023 New Orleans DEMA Show, an industry in recovery mode, 1/24
DAN Accident Insurance, 1/24
Great Diving While Saving Fish, 11/23
REEF, 11/23
Liveaboards: Fertile Ground for COVID Liveaboards: Fertile Ground for COVID -- Publicly Available, 11/23
Divers of a Certain Age Divers of a Certain Age -- Publicly Available, get your insurance and paperwork in order, 11/23
Homage to Stan Waterman, an underwater icon passes, 9/23
Is Wetpixel Breaking Bad?, the slippery slope toward fraud?, 9/23
Travel with a UK Agency, and You Won't Lose Money, 8/23
Novel Emergency Treatment for Lionfish Envenomation, 8/23
How Strong is Your Heart?, 7/23
Lend A Hand On Your Next Dive Vacation: Part II Lend A Hand On Your Next Dive Vacation: Part II -- Publicly Available, save the reefs, maybe save on taxes, 7/23
We Can Only Dream About Petit Mustique, Or can we?, 5/23
Your Travel Experiences are Important to Other Subscribers, 4/23
Insurance and the Traveling Diver: Part II, getting the right policy and making it pay, 4/23
Lend A Hand on Your Next Dive Vacation: Part I Lend A Hand on Your Next Dive Vacation: Part I -- Publicly Available, save the reefs, maybe save on taxes, 4/23
What? No PADI Solo Diving Certification Accepted?, 3/23
Surviving a Liveaboard Emergency, 3/23
Why Does Your Regulator Let You Down After Servicing?, 3/23
Those Damn Fuel Surcharges, and not much we can do about it, 3/23
Don't Hide Your Keys in the Bushes, 1/23

Available to the Public
Stay Away from Those Propellers: The Most Dangerous Thing You Meet is a Boat, 11/22
Want to Create Great Videos with Your Action Camera?, 11/22
Hydration, Diving, and SIPE, the Killer, when too much water is a danger, 11/22
Equipment Checks to Prepare for Diving, 11/22
Don't Ignore it My Friends: COVID Preys on Traveling Divers, 9/22
Rude Divers Can Ruin Trips, thankfully, they are few and far between, 9/22
Rude Divers - a Dive Center's Perspective, 9/22
Unexplained Snorkel Deaths in Hawaii, the same issue for scuba divers, 9/22
SIPE - Be Aware of the Symptoms, 9/22
How Safe Are You From Fire?, lessons from the Allegro Cozumel Hotel fire, 9/22
Your Trip Reports Are Important, 8/22
So, Who Writes Undercurrent?, 8/22
U.S. Dive Magazine's Best Diving Destinations, reader's votes only mean they have been there, 8/22
The Perils of Travel Remain in the Time of COVID, a cautionary tale of our times, 8/22
The Perils of Coral Cuts in Tropical Climates, 7/22
Overtaken by the Race for Certification or Age?, some very experienced divers may be turned away, 6/22
Ninety-Nine Years and Counting, Stan Waterman’s camera brought scuba diving to the world, 4/22
Is an Alex Mustard Workshop Right for You?, 3/22
Your Reader Reports are Important, 3/22
Country COVID Entry Rules, 3/22
That Snorkel Can Save Your Life, 2/22
Conception Tragedy Leads to New Safety Rules, 2/22
Traveling Divers are Quarantined, and yet, no COVID testing is allowed, 2/22
The Rescue – Unmissable, 2/22
The Essential Backup Computer: Part 1, oh, are there stories to tell, 1/22
Another COVID on Liveaboard Story: Hope for the Best and be Prepared for the Worst, 1/22
Dive Travel in the Time of Coronavirus, when the passengers and crew test positive, 11/21
The Valerie Taylor Story, 11/21
The Ugly American Unmasked, on divers respecting and protecting others, 11/21
Be Concerned About the Guy Across the Aisle, 10/21
Your Reader Reports Have Never Been More Important, 10/21
Guidelines for Divers to Avoid Spreading Coral Disease, 10/21
Did COVID-19 Cost You Money in Lost Reservations?, dive businesses keep money with the weakest excuses, 10/21
Put Your Fins On Last and Avoid Taking a Tumble, 10/21
Freak Needlefish Accident, 10/21
Getting There and Covid Restrictions, 9/21
Vaccinated and Wonder If it’s Safe to Travel?, risks to consider and mitigate, 9/21
Back in the Water Again, and a look at the options for dive travel, 7/21
Plenty of Tales of Woe Among Traveling Divers, Paid for a trip? Don’t set your heart on a refund, 5/20
Airline Ticket Refunds; It’s the Law!, 5/20
Can You Trust Your Dive Guide?, are they as careful and responsible as they should be?, 5/20
Have You Ever Surfaced and Been Lost?, sensible divers take steps to avoid it, 5/20
Is it Bad News for Divers Who Suffer COVID-19?, could the effects have contraindications for diving?, 5/20
What’s With the Star Chart?, 4/20
Stranded in Honduras: Our Utila Escape, how two American divers struggled to get home, 4/20
Diving, Travel, Coronavirus, Chaos, What’s happening to the traveling diver and our destinations?, 4/20
Refunds on Flight Tickets?, 4/20
Letters to the Editor: Too Much Weight to Dive?, 4/20
Movies for Divers Stuck at Home, 4/20
Jellyfish Mucus Found to be a Cause of Sea Itch, 3/20
Goliath Groupers: Better in the Water than on the Plate, 3/20
The Excess Weight We Carry, should dive operators reject high BMI, plus-size divers?, 3/20
Why You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance, 3/20
Coronavirus – Will it Affect Your Dive Travel Plans?, some thoughts to help you decide whether to embark, 3/20
Kids’ Sea Camp, 2/20
The Best Traveler’s Diarrhea Drug, unaffordable in the U.S. so turn to Canada, 2/20
A Template for Liveaboard Safety Precautions, From the Undersea Hunter fleet, 2/20
The Ins and Outs of Trip Insurance, if you’re over 70, DAN think you’re too old for coverage, 2/20
Diving and Politeness: Be Patient and Take Your Place in Line, 2/20
Lithium-ion Battery Safety: Industry Experts Give Their Points of View, 1/20
U.S. Coast Guard Regulations under Criticism in Wake of the Conception Tragedy, 1/20
Your Dive Boat Sinks Before You Get There, and DAN’s Elite Travel Policy does not cover it, 11/19
The Etiquette of Tipping on Dive Trips: Part II, are Americans just good tippers or total suckers?, 11/19
The Potential of a Liveaboard Fire, how to protect yourself, 11/19
The Picture of His Life, Yonatan Nir and what lay behind his film of Amos Nachoum, 11/19
Bringing Underwater Camera Gear to Dive in Mexico?, it just may cost you, 10/19
Not Getting Enough Time Underwater?, 10/19
Recent Deaths Highlight the Risks for Older Divers, 9/19
The Dive Trip Tipping Conundrum: Part I, is there an etiquette?, 9/19
Is PADI Diver Training Adequate?, there’s more to diving than simply getting a C-card, 9/19
A Tragic Accident Brings a Reminder for Safe Travel, 8/19
For Some Divers, Waiting Only 24 Hours before Flying Is Not Enough Time, 8/19
Beware of False Prophets on Your Dive Trips, instructors and other experts are not always right, 8/19
How Good Are You at Knowing if a Diver Is Drowning?, 8/19
Divers Find the Last Slave Ship, 7/19
Can You Handle A Crisis Underwater?, or are you toast if something unexpected happens?, 7/19
PADI Buys America’s Two Biggest Dive Magazines, 7/19
Want to Buy a Dive Center or Liveaboard?, we found a few, if you’re looking for something new to do, 7/19
Why Does Explorer Ventures Still Have a Fuel Surcharge?, 6/19
Are We Americans Good Tippers or Just Total Suckers?, 6/19
How You Can Get Great Underwater Pictures, start raw, stalk your subject, and more tips, 6/19
Top Tips from Other Dive Photo Pros, 6/19
The Mission to Save Our Oceans By Next Year, how one dive company is convincing others to dump plastic, 6/19
There’s an Easier Way to Dump Air from Your BC, 5/19
By Land or by Sea: What Makes for the Best Diving?, 5/19
Reader Reports: Easier to Write, and Now with Photos, 5/19
Got any Tales of Unexpected Dive Travel Bills?, 5/19
Yes, Sport Divers Get PTSD, Too, here’s how to determine whether you’re in that bunch, 5/19
Fly for Free to Your Dive Destination, how to play the credit card points game, 5/19
Your Letters to the Editor, health hazards, airline issues and divemasters’ responsibilities, 5/19
Technical Diving: Is It For You?, “nobody had any problems using air at 180 feet”, 4/19
Lessons from My Wife’s Snorkeling Death, and why I suspect her mask as the culprit, 4/19
Is Menopause a Cause of the Bends?, 3/19
Getting To and Around Baja California, 2/19
Want Your Own Fiji Shark?, 2/19
What Is Undercurrent’s “Caribbean Scale?”, 2/19
Diver Scallops? Give Me a Break, 2/19
Save Money on Baggage. Fees: Pack with a Purpose, 1/19
Random Thoughts on Dive Travel Glitches, avoiding cramped cabins, airport issues and nighttime noises, 1/19
Why Divers Die: Part I, being lazy, getting fat and succumbing to panic are big factors, 1/19
Confused about Lithium Batteries?, 1/19
Is This Diver Carrying too Much Weight?, 11/18
Read This Before Plugging In Your Dive Camera, 11/18
The Craziest Things You’ve Seen on Dives, poop, sex toys and, of course, crazy divers, 11/18
Pirates of Papua New Guinea, 10/18
Who Are You Calling Rude?, our readers sound off on the most offensive divers, 10/18
Pirates of the Caribbean, 9/18
Help Indonesia Recover from Earthquake Disaster, 9/18
Fitness, Diving and Dehydration, how not to mix these three things in the wrong combination, 9/18
How Travelin’ Divers Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprints, 9/18
In Praise of Liveaboards, why it’s more than just the diving that makes them better, 9/18
Not All Magnifying Glasses Will Spot Critters, 8/18
Just How Much Is a Bar, Anyway?, 8/18
A Single Drop of Sunscreen Can Kill Coral, yet Reef Safe’s manufacturer continues to market the killer, 8/18
Who Are the Rudest Divers?, the slow ones? or those who have to wait for them?, 8/18
A Caribbean Influx of Deadly Weed, 7/18
The Soul of a Fish Monger, the smartest critter spared from the grill, 7/18
Our 10,000th Reader’s Report, 7/18
Blubber For SEALs and Penguin Feathers, 7/18
Unvarnished Truth Can Hurt But It’s Still the Truth, 6/18
Your Battery Charger: a Real Risk of Liveaboard Fire, 5/18
Undercurrent Subscribers Set a Guinness Record: The Oldest Couple Diving, 5/18
“MeToo” in the Dive Industry, it’s still more like being the “Second Sex” for many women divers, 5/18
No Safety Sausage? Toss Water!, 5/18
When Diving Disappoints, and big animals are a no-show, 4/18
More Views on AOW Certifications, get the cert, save the grief!, 4/18
Underwater Bullies, 3/18
Liability Waivers and the Dive Professional, top lawyers give an insight into the legalities, 3/18
Woman Divers – Have You Had a “Me Too” Moment? We Need Your Thoughts, 3/18
Liveaboard Trip Canceled 24 Hours before Departure, and it’s a struggle to get fair compensation, 3/18
Diving and Hepatitis C: Know the Facts, 2/18
Diviac Goes to PADI, 2/18
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Warranties, where did my Aeris warranty go?, 2/18
Don’t Skimp on the Oxygen, 1/18
A Kauai Frogfish Follow-Up, letters from Hawaii and what you thought, 1/18
A New Tip on Avoiding a Cold that Could Ruin Your Dive Trip, 11/17
Hey, Divers, Don’t Eat the Reef Fish, 11/17
Will Your Liveaboard’s Insurance Cover Your Loss?, many will, some may not, 11/17
If You Make a Mistake …, don’t be afraid to talk about it, 11/17
Are Hurricanes Damaging Your Dive Plans?, consecutive storms wreck Caribbean infrastructure, 10/17
Ear Infections and the ProEar Solution, 10/17
Is It Time To Hang Up Our Fins?, If you’re in shape, 80 is the new 60, 10/17
Bali Disaster Pending?, 10/17
Divemaster or Dive Guide?, 9/17
Is It One Up, All Up?, it could be a matter of life and death, 8/17
Online Dive Trip Booking Portals: Part II, they fall far short on personal service, 8/17
Those Internet-Based Dive Travel Websites, what they mean for you and the industry, 7/17
Use the 24-Hour Rule to Your Advantage, 7/17
Don’t Wash a Wound with Sea Water, 7/17
Finding Your Way Aided by a Compass, an item of equipment that’s often overlooked, 7/17
What Do You Have in Your Dive Bag?, better to have it and not need it, 7/17
Don’t be a Diving Heart Attack Victim, 6/17
Tropical Ice, 6/17
Fancy Buying a Dive Resort Operation in the Sun?, it’s not for the faint-hearted!, 6/17
That Kosrae Dive Resort Lottery Winner, 6/17
Why Don’t Some Divers Drop Weights in an Emergency?, 6/17
Tropical Ice, an Eco-thriller, if you like Undercurrent, you’ll love this, 5/17
Are You a Wreck Diver or a Liveaboard Diver?, either way, it’s not a bedroom, it’s a cabin, 5/17
Have You the Proper Travel Documents?, 4/17
Award Winning Scuba Travel Guides, 4/17
Coral Cuts Can Be Costly, 4/17
The Pros and Cons of Shark-Feeding Dives, our readers respond, 4/17
Does Human Interaction Affect Shark Behavior?, 4/17
Download the Responsible Shark and Ray Tourism Guide, 4/17
A Pocket Guide for Diving in Southeast Asia, 4/17
Woes Aboard the Sri Lanka Aggressor, and it’s out of business, 4/17
Kill ’em but Don’t Feed ’em?, a campaign to ban shark feeding!, 3/17
Three More Popular Wrecks Lost Forever, 3/17
Toilet Paper, Dirty Money, Tiny Cockroaches, Undercurrent subscribers tell it like it is, 3/17
Tweaking the Inwater Recompression Protocol, medical experts share concerns about safety, 3/17
A Day in the Chamber and I Wasn’t Bent, 3/17
Those Dreaded Liability Waivers, a reminder that the risk is all yours, 3/17
You’d Better Have Blank Pages in that Passport, 2/17
Disintegrating Dive Gear, 2/17
Sri Lanka Aggressor Postscript, 2/17
That Devil Gas Is Not So Dangerous!, putting the myths to rest, 2/17
Coming Soon: Texting While Diving, 2/17
Rigid Rules for Flying with Lithium Batteries, 1/17
Stay Away from that Propeller!, 1/17
Getting Your Teeth into Scuba, 1/17
Would You Opt For In-Water Recompression?, when remote dive sites mean there’s no alternative, 1/17
A Legal Opinion on Liability Waivers, does the Hambrook Case Make a Difference?, 1/17
An Appeal by a Shark Lover, 1/17
Six Deaths in Five Days Call for Tougher Aussie Standards, 1/17
Those Little Blue Pills Offer Risk to Male Divers, 1/17
The Terror of the Irukandji, is a tiny invisible jellyfish the most lethal?, 1/17
Get Off the Air, Will You?, it’s time to dive with nitrox, 1/17
Chip Your Dive Bag, 11/16
Travelin’ Diver’s Chapbook, 11/16
Diver Safety – It’s Not Sexy!, but safety planning kills the angst, 11/16
Underwater Statues and Sculpture Parks, visit an art gallery while diving, 11/16
Assigned a Bad Buddy?, it happens to all of us some time, 11/16
When Your Liveaboard Doesn’t Go Where It Promised, and makes excuses about it, 11/16
Skimming the Tip Pool, possible pitfalls of group gratuities, 11/16
Stop Using Zeagle Grace and Zeagle Element BCDs Immediately, 10/16
Managing Dive Trip Expectations, more readers report and tell it like it is, 10/16
When You’re Underwater, You Can Become a Client Scientist, 10/16
What Do Fish Know? More Than You Can Ever Imagine, 10/16
Bad Weather Can Happen, but should you pay for dives so canceled?, 10/16
Your Dive Travel Agent and Frequent Flyer Miles, 8/16
Scuba, the Sport of Grandparents!, 8/16
Mosquitoes and Malaria, Too many divers ignore the threat, 8/16
Deep Vein Thrombosis and Decompression Sickness, 7/16
Cuba Tips, 7/16
Yes, Sexism in the Diving Industry Exists, a famous female cave diver examines the subject, 6/16
All About a Bag, 6/16
Vinegar for your Salty Gear, 6/16
Reader Report Power, 6/16
Snorkels: Love ’em or Hate ’em?, mixed feelings about snorkels for scuba, 6/16
Travel Agent v Internet - Part III, 5/16
Effective Product to Stop Dangerous Jellyfish Stings, 5/16
Want To Dive Cuba?, How Americans Do It, 4/16
Travel Agent or the Internet? Part II, which option gives you a better dive trip overall?, 4/16
Burn Your Mask: Dealing with Those Annoying Foggy Lenses ... and a Last Resort Trick, 4/16
More about Wetsuits, 4/16
Find Your Diving Canceled?, there’s weather and whether they have enough customers, 3/16
A Death Attributed to Rental Gear, 3/16
Why are Dive Boats Still Making Fuel Surcharges?, 3/16
Diving Safer as We Age, learning from the deaths of diving friends, 3/16
What Rats Can Tell Us about Drinking, Diving and DCS, 2/16
Travel Agent or the Internet? Part I, which option gives you a better dive trip overall?, 2/16
Bad Divemasters, Shark Scares . . ., and why you shouldn’t bring “dirty” dollars overseas, 1/16
The Hazards of Diving Choppy Waters, 1/16
New Rules for Lithium-Ion Batteries on Airplanes, 11/15
Security Concerns for Diving in Malaysia, 11/15
Getting Batteries for Old But Reliable Dive Computers, 11/15
Rest in Peace, Gladys Howard, 10/15
Shark Bytes, 10/15
Is Your Camera Hurting Marine Life?, the effect of strobe and flash lighting on animals, 10/15
DAN’s Underwater Drone for Solo Divers, 9/15
This Sunscreen May Indeed Have No Effect on Marine Life, 9/15
How to Breathe Underwater, or, how to master the “dive deeper, breathe slower” approach, 7/15
Brutal Murder of Stuart Cove’s Dock Manager, Bahamas’ crime rate is far higher than NYC or Chicago, 6/15
Heart Health in Older Divers, are stress tests and defibrillators really that helpful?, 5/15
The Dive Hood, Your Head and Heat Loss, 5/15
That Dream Trip Can Be Reality, finding reasonably priced places with less-stressful travel, 5/15
Petit Mustique Diving Lodge, ultimately, the joke was on me, 5/15
Don’t Count on Getting That Dive Trip Deposit Back, 4/15
How Do You Handle a Bully on the Boat?, the debate continues, 4/15
What’s a Heated Vest, and Should You Buy One?, 3/15
We Need Your Reader Reports, 3/15
How Is Your Dive Insurance in an Emergency?, advice to consider when you’re diving far from home, 2/15
Yes, Let’s Scrap the Lifetime C-Card, 2/15
Where to Go Diving -- and When, seasons change, and so does the weather at dive spots, 1/15
The 2015 Travelin’ Diver’s Chapbook, what caught my eye, 12/14
Egypt? Now? Yes!, 11/14
Smartphone Apps to Add Before the Next Dive Trip, 11/14
Are You Too Old to Dive?, or do some dive operators just practice age discrimination?, 11/14
What to Do with Camera Batteries on Flights, 10/14
Choosing a Safe Liveaboard, don’t just pick one for the large cabin and camera room plugs, 10/14
The Dangers Above the Surface, don’t “take a trip” while on your dive trip, 9/14
Getting Into Deep, a fascinating read about freediving and big-animal behavior, 9/14
Fish-Mauling Divemasters, stand up and speak out against divers who harass marine life, 9/14
Drop the Dive Travel Weight: Part II, how to pare down your clothes and gear to just one bag, 8/14
Other Dive Travel Groups, specialized dive trips for those who don’t want the norm, 7/14
Help a Wounded Warrior Learn How to Dive, 7/14
Drop the Dive Weight: Part I, shed the pounds -- and costs -- of lugging your dive gear abroad, 7/14
Stuff to Soothe Your Soul During a Hellish Trip, 7/14
What’s the Price of an Air Fill? Pretty Cheap, 7/14
Let Someone Else Plan Your Dive Trip for You, 6/14
The Case for Downloading Your Dives, but then again, why bother?, 6/14
You’re Flippant and Disrespectful, Ben Davison, readers’ thoughts about dietary issues and diving, 6/14
Another Diver Kidnapping Near Sipadan, 5/14
The Perils of Dive Travel, missed flights, travel agents and (egads!) gluten-free requests, 3/14
Can Nitrox Damage Blood Vessels?, 3/14
The Perils of Deep Air Diving, how narcosis affects memory and thought processing, 3/14
Dive Trip Party Poopers, those include holidays, cold water, smokers and karaoke, 2/14
Travel Tips & Helpful Dive Hints: Part I, how to avoid cockroaches, cyclones and a lack of local currency, 1/14
The Top 10 Dive Resorts -- for Non-Divers, Perhaps, 1/14
Travel Tips for Long-Haul Flights, how to spend less on -- and survive -- grueling dive trips overseas, 11/13
Sunscreens that Protect Divers as well as Reefs, 10/13
How to Avoid a Flight from Hell, it often boils down to how you book your plane tickets, 10/13
Shark Baiting and Feeding, what’s so wrong with it, John Bantin asks, 7/13
Lost Your PADI Card? How to Avoid the $37 Fee, 7/13
Fiji Airways: A Major Link in the Shark Fin Trade, 6/13
What to Tip on Your Next Dive Trip: Part II, tips about tipping by the pros, 6/13
“Now I Can Pig Out on Trips with Less Guilt”, 6/13
What to Tip on Your Next Dive Trip: Part I, and the myriad of factors that determine the amount, 5/13
Flying to Micronesia? Options to Avoid United, 4/13
Five Websites That Makes Dive Travel Easier, 4/13
Maiden Dive Boat Trips: Another Liveaboard Owner’s Point of View, 1/13
Maiden Voyage on a New Dive Boat? Forget It, especially if you want Nitrox and air conditioning, 10/12
Is a Caribbean Cruise for Serious Divers?, 9/12
More Etiquette from the Scuba Snobs, additional rules for you to dive by, 9/12
Fiji Airlines’ Abysmal Service, 7/12
Taking Kids on Your Next Dive Trip, where to take them, how to keep them entertained, 5/12
Kid-Friendly Dive Resorts, 5/12
Blissed Out or Hotwired?, how the Internet screws up dive vacations, 5/12
What to Do with Smoking Divers, do they have a right to light up on a liveaboard?, 4/12
Why You Should Skip Trip Insurance, 4/12
How Divers Can Give Back: Part II, more ways to make your dive trips count, 4/12
A Trip Insurance Update, 3/12
Flying After Diving: A Threat Worse than the Bends, 3/12
When Crew Disrespects Your Gear, what to do when your equipment gets broken or lost, 3/12
How Divers Can Give Back: Part I, and your dive trip may be tax deductible, 2/12
Bonaire, Caymans, China. . ., a dangerous Baja dive shop, and what, no octopus for your buddy?, 1/12
Insurance for Your Next Dive Trip, why you probably shouldn’t leave home without it, 1/12
The Nautilus Lifeline Finally Ships, and how a little openness can prevent PR headaches, 11/11
Scuba Snobs’ Guide to Dive Etiquette, the formerly unspoken rules for good divers to live by, 11/11
A Tale of Three Fees, 10/11
Turks & Caicos, Grand Cayman, Costa Rica, plus advice about Mabul diving and your passport pages, 10/11
I Can See Clearly Now ... Underwater, contacts, lens inserts, prescription mask or magnifying glass?, 9/11
Want Lower Baggage Fees? Book Through a U.S. Dive Travel Agency, 9/11
The Trials and Tribulations of Dive Travel, and a couple sweet Bonaire B&B’s, 8/11
Litigation: The Dive Industry’s Biggest Threat?, viewpoints by a British dive gear maker and an American lawyer, 7/11
Is it Time for an American Recreational Scuba Divers Association?, 6/11
“Taxes,” “Fees” and Just Plain Bribes Divers Face, smile, negotiate, and pony up, 6/11
Breathing From Liquid: Is Diving’s Holy Grail Here?, 6/11
In Case a Stingray City Denizen Bites off Your Hand, 5/11
Cocos, Fiji, Roatan, Yucatan, and why you shouldn’t rely solely on travel agents, 5/11
Traveling Divers Should Consider “Global Entry”, 5/11
Beating Baggage Fees for Dive Gear, Indo-Pacific dive trips are the worst –- but you can lower costs, 5/11
Cure Jet Lag Without Drugs, 4/11
The Divemaster’s Take on Tipping, 4/11
In Search of Undiscovered Diving, Panama, no; Mozambique, yes, 11/10
Saipan, Statia, Lake Malawi, Key Largo..., reports from the back of beyond from “undercover” readers, 7/10
Little Cayman, Maui, Grenadines…, overlooked, misunderstood dive sites worth mentioning, 6/10
How A Diver Stumped Airport Security, 5/10
Do You Think Local Diving is Boring?, then here’s how to change it, 5/10
Local Dive Highlights: Graveyards, Shark Teeth, Bowling Alleys, 5/10
Bonaire, Orlando, Mexico..., dive sites with wild conditions, big fish and Disney World tourists, 3/10
Two Other Takes on Protesting a Dive Release, 1/10
$350 to Fly with a Pony Bottle?, 1/10
Lying About Your Health Could Be Lethal, our medical expert tells you why you shouldn’t fib to dive shops, 1/10
Taking Your Cell Phone Diving: Dumb Idea or Good Safety Tool?, 1/10
Skip the Travel Vest, Just Wear Your BCD, 1/10
Reader Advice for Not Getting Lost at Sea, 1/10
A Smart Way to Beat Airline Carry-on Restrictions, 10/09
Why Nitrox Costs So Much, and why you never get it free, 10/09
Is It Worth Protesting a Dive Release You Don’t Like?, 9/09
Caribbean, Hawaii, Indonesia, Red Sea…, hidden travel charges, Hawaiian fish, and a good Caribbean site, 8/09
Is That Overseas Dive Destination Safe to Visit?, 8/09
Divers, You’re Not Using Enough Sunscreen, 7/09
Go Where No Diver Has Gone Before, try diving from a kayak, 7/09
Passport Tips for Traveling Divers, 7/09
Why You Need Trip Insurance Now, dive companies closing, job layoffs, flu pandemics - - what’s next?, 6/09
“This Industry Isn’t Run By Divers Anymore”, reader feedback from sport divers and industry professionals, 5/09
Organizing a Group Dive Trip: Part II, handling group discounts, deposits and important details, 5/09
Extra Costs on Your Next Dive Trip: Part II, missed dives, tips and fuel surcharges, 4/09
Creating One Big Happy Group Dive Trip, 4/09
Thinking About a Dive Trip?, a few money-saving updates, 3/09
Cabo, Cozumel, Dominica, Naples, Some good finds, but what’s with the bad customer service?, 2/09
Downward Dogs Can Improve Your Diving, 10/08
Bahamas, B.V.I., Ontario, Roatan…, the good, bad and ugly in dive resorts, boats and service, 10/08
When There’s Not Enough Divers, what dive operators do about it, for better or for worse, 10/08
Drinking and Diving: How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?, 10/08
How Divers Will Never Be Lost Again, new personal GPS device still working out the kinks, 10/08
A Second Look at Dive Boat Engine Exhaust, 9/08
Divers, Sign Your Life Away: Part II, warning: this release may be harmful to your lawsuit’s health, 9/08
Can You Make Any Changes to a Dive Release?, 9/08
A Few Good Deals For Divers, all-inclusive dive weeks starting at $660, 8/08
Introducing Our New Online Divers Forum, 8/08
Divers, Sign Your Life Away: Part I, warning: this release may be harmful to your lawsuit’s health, 8/08
Are Your Dive Photos Worthy of a Book?, this diver thought so -- and published his own, 8/08
Three Caribbean Hubs That Leave Your Dive Bags Behind, 7/08
The Last Word on Dive Tipping, rules for American divers maybe even I can observe, 7/08
Tipping on Dive Trips: Part II, how tips tie into the global economy, 6/08
What Happens If You Miss the Boat?, 6/08
The Frequent-Flyer Diver, 5/08
Proper Liveaboard Hygiene, 5/08
Tipping on Dive Trips: Part I, how much do you tip, and to whom?, 5/08
Dealing with “Difficult” Divers, a former liveaboard captain’s perspective on customer service, 4/08
Oh, Did We Mention the Fuel Surcharge?, and can divers do anything about it, even if they paid in full?, 4/08
New Travel Rules for Dive Gear Batteries, 2/08
A Major Risk: When the Dive Operator Doesn’t Take Plastic, 2/08
Readers’ Diving Tips, 2/08
Diver Car-Rental Scam in Cozumel, 1/08
Diving, The Rich Person’s Sport, a stroll through the DEMA convention, 1/08
Belize, Palau, South Carolina and More, dive operator charges 50% cancellation for bad weather, 10/07
The Skinny on No-See-Ums, avoid being bugged by their bites, 9/07
Is the Travel Info You Need Online?, some dive resorts don’t list all your costs on their Web sites, 8/07
Safety Concerns on Liveaboard Boats, 8/07
When You Decide To Go It Alone, trip tips for divers traveling solo, 7/07
South Pacific, South Caicos, Sudan, Utila, the good, the bad, the bargains and the overpriced, 6/07
The Costs of Dive Shop Travel, 5/07
Bonaire, California, Fiji, New Liveaboards, where to stay, what to avoid, 4/07
The Hidden Costs of Dive Travel, 4/07
Multiple Flights after Diving, 3/07
The Joy of Freediving, for scuba veterans seeking a new thrill, 3/07
You've Come a Long Way, Nitrox, what the latest stats show, 3/07
Infection Warning, 2/07
Kids Sea Camp, Curacao, good for parents and grandparents, too, 2/07
Cuba, Bonaire, Belize... , and a clever thief in Curacao, 1/07
How to Go Diving with Nondiving Kids, 8/06
Diving the World, 8/06
Fine New Destinations, And slipping old popular destinations, 7/06
Kiribati, Yeah; Kri, Nay, important updates for dive travelers, 5/06
Scuba Coiba, Santa Catalina, Panama, still unspoiled ... for now, 3/06
Passport Puzzles, 8/05
Taking a Caribbean Cruise on a Ship of Thousands?, tips on getting good diving in any port, 7/05
Do a Little Touring Too, 3/04
New Dive Destinations, Part II, from our fearless subscribers, 8/03
New Dive Destinations, from our fearless subscribers, 7/03
Skinny Dipping Scuba, 6/03
The Scubascam Lingers On, 6/03
Essential Dive Books, 5/03
Those New Baggage Requirements, how to protect your gear and your film, 3/03
The Reality of Dive Travel, 3/03
Another Packing Peril, 3/03
Travel Safety in the Age of Terrorism, Bali? The Red Sea? The Philippines?, 2/03
New Dive Possibilities, New Ripoffs, alerts from our readers, 8/02
Can't Pay with Plastic?, tell them to “use it or lose it”, 7/02
Dripping Ceilings, Peanut Allergies, an Honest Man, what our readers have to say, 5/02
Diver Dies from Blood Clot During Flight, 4/02
Picking Up the Pieces: The Misadventures of Tropical Adventure s, 3/02
Readers Lose Money with Scubacan, do we have a scuba scam here ?, 2/02
Dive Trip Tipping Nearly Universal, -- but there ’s disagreement on the amounts and recipients, 1/02
Divers Left Floating As Agencies Go Bankrupt, travel insurance no longer helps, 1/02
Travel Insurance in a Time of Terrorism, 10/01
Dive Travel in These Turbulent Times, random thoughts as we go to press, 10/01
The Best 2002 Live-Aboard Cruise, 9/01
When A Travel Agent Sticks To “Its Rules”, “standard” business practice is lousy business practice, 8/01
Thumbs Down:, 7/01
Boiling Seas, Bleached Coral, and Butt Cut Short s, tips for the live-aboard lifestyle, 6/01
Marine Parks, Arrogant Management, Seven-Mile Beach, Important updates in land-based operations, 4/01
Made a deposit then stayed home?, ... and the resort kept your money?, 2/01
The travel agent/wholesaler link, 2/01
Asia On The Cheap, 10/00
When Your Guide Is Asleep At The Wheel, bum trips from our reader's logs, 9/00
Live-Aboard Lowdown, readers report on new craft, small ops, and boats that save a buck, 8/00
Publisher's Picks & Pans, hot spots and new spots, 7/00
Frequent Flier Finesse, airline mile strategies that pay off, 6/00
Phony Ad Wrecks Vacation, 2/00
Local Chamber Fees, who collects them? and do they help?, 10/99
The Trouble with Going to Bonaire and Curaçao, getting there is the hardest part, 7/99
Travel Updates, 6/99
Editor's Picks and Nixes, the good, the bad, and the ugly, 5/99
Boot Camp for Divers, Learning Cavern Diving in Florida, 5/99
Caribbean Hurricane Planning, 3/99
Editor's Travel Notes, 3/99
Editor's Notes, on DEMA, travel, and trouble, 2/99
Picks and Nixes of ‘98, a preview of the 1999 Chapbook, 10/98
Hidden Costs of Travel, whopping unexpected taxes, 8/98
Travelin' Diver's Update, You don't always get what you want, 7/98
Airlines Graded, 9/97
Melatonin: A Cure for Jet Lag?, 4/97
Tipping the Boat, How to reward friends and make enemies, 4/97
The Price of Solitude, Do you have to share quarters?, 4/97
Dive Gear Carry-Ons, 10/95
Sea Safaris' Problems, 4/95
DEMA Travel, 3/95
Dive Travel Specialists, 10/94
Where's the Snorkel?, 3/94
Tipping Practices, Should You Tip at a Dive Resort or on Liveaboard?, 3/93
1980 Travel Reports From Our Readers: Part III, 3/81
From Our Readers' Travel: Part II, 1/81
From Our Readers Travel: Part I, 11/80
The Clubs Mediterranee, Best For Beginners And Diving Dilettantes, 1/80
Critical Review Of Worldwide Diving:, Reports From Our Readers, 10/79
Critique of World-wide Dive Sites, #NAME?, 11/78
Critique of World Wide Dive Sites, An update from our readers, 6/78
Critique of World-Wide Dive Sites, An Update from our Readers, 11/77
Critique of World-wide Diving, Part III, A summary of readers' experiences., 6/77
Critique of World-wide Diving, Part II, A summary of readers' experiences., 5/77
A Critique of World-wide Diving: Part I, A summary Of readers' experiences., 4/77

General Travel/Other Locations Sections from Our Travelin' Diver's Chapbooks

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