Mermaid I and II in Ambon and Raja Ampat

Dear Fellow Diver, The latest “best diving in the world” seems to be Raja Ampat, Indonesia.  The greatest marine biodiversity is in the Coral Triangle (Indonesia, Philippines and PNG). No less than the Nature Conservancy has crowned Raja Ampat (RA) the heart of this area and is actively involved in helping form numerous Marine Protected … Read more

Green Turtle’s Historic Swim Connects UN Biosphere Reserves in Costa Rica and Ecuador

A Pacific green sea turtle satellite tagged in Costa Rica’s Cocos Island National Park, has made a historical migration to Ecuador’s Galapagos National Park. Named Sanjay by researchers, the 117-pound male, is the first sea turtle to corroborate preliminary genetic data suggesting many of the resident sea turtles at Cocos Island were born on the … Read more

Remote Dive Site Contingencies: When Evacuation Is Not An Option

As secret agent James Bond once sagely observed to Q, who supplied his special equipment and was complaining that he was bringing it back damaged, “It’s hell out there in the field.” Divers aren’t dealing with jet-packs, ejection seats in Aston-Martin sports cars, or the best way to use the strangling wire released from the … Read more