The Great Barrier Reef is dying. Why does nobody seem to care?

We seem to be wilfully blind when it comes to nature. Right now, Australia is in the grip of an unprecedented environmental disaster. The largest living structure on Earth, the Great Barrier Reef, is mortally sick. Across hundreds of miles of ocean, from Papua New Guinea and all the way southwards along the east coast … Read more

Dengue Fever in Paradise – Hawaii’s Big Island

Dengue fever (also known as “breakbone fever”!) is a mosquito-caused illness.  Those with dengue exhibit disease symptoms which include a sudden onset of fever, severe headaches, eye, joint, and muscle pain, and a rash. The rash typically appears on the hands, arms, legs and feet within 3-4 days after fever begins. Minor bleeding problems can also … Read more

He Hath Fouled It Upon the Seas

by James (Jim) Hansen For many years, the motto of the Cayman Islands has been “He hath founded it upon the seas.” It reflects a proud heritage of seafaring, boatbuilding, harvesting the catch from surrounding waters, promoting and supporting the exploration of the undersea world, and caring stewardship of the marine environment. How much longer … Read more

How to Breathe Underwater

Or really, how to master the “dive deeper, breathe slower” approach Ever notice how some divers blow through their tank really fast, while others can stay down so long you figure that they must have a set of gills hidden under their wetsuit?  What gives? And, more importantly, what can we learn from divers who … Read more