Our Chapbook Is in Print Again
Happy New Year
What You're Missing This Month
See a 24-Hour Marathon of Sea Hunt
Death by Exploding Tank
Our Chapbook Is in Print Again: January 29, 2013
The 2013 Travelin' Divers Chapbook print edition has just arrived from the presses, and it's impressive in its size (700 pages) and quality of information - hundreds of reader reports filed by Undercurrent subscribers on destinations worldwide. (It's unedited; the content is as our readers delivered it). Our subscribers can download it for free at any time, and order a printed copy for a discounted rate. Now nonsubscribers can order the printed copy for only $19.95 plus shipping and handling -- order it directly from our partner here.
Happy New Year: January 29, 2013
Celebrate 2013 with a full year's subscription to Undercurrent. Business Week called us the "Consumer Reports of diving." Forbes had us on its "Best of the Web" list because we offer "scuba tips no other source dares to publish." Our sources of information, like veteran dive pros Stan Waterman and Bret Gilliam, are also subscribers. Join them and besides a new issue in your e-mail every month, you'll get full online access to all of our issues, the new 2013 Travelin' Divers Chapbook and all past Chapbooks, and 10,000 travel reviews by serious divers covering 342 destinations and liveaboards. Benefit from all of our money-saving and life-saving articles by subscribing for a 12-month membership for $39.95, or try us out with a one-month membership for $4.95. My personal guarantee: all your money back, no questions asked, if you're not satisfied. Subscribe here.
What You're Missing This Month: January 29, 2013
The Borneo resort with the best record of coordinating Sipadan's "dive lottery" . . . The best travel version of Humann and DeLoach's fish ID book . . . how you can suit up for diving after major medical work . . . the best ways to recycle old dive gear . . .how warm-water Florida divers did with a "too agreeable" dive operator in Puget Sound . . .what dive shops think about your dive gear when you bought it somewhere else . . . another liveaboard owner's take on our article about maiden voyage dive trips . . . is there a "One DEMA" product to buy this year? . . . and much more
See a 24-Hour Marathon of Sea Hunt: January 29, 2013
This TV series, which ran between 1958 and 1961, ignited the craze for recreational scuba diving at a time when it was still brand new. The four seasons of episodes have been hard to find on DVD -- until now. You can order a 24-hour Sea Hunt marathon through us, and save coral reefs with your purchase. Get the details at Undercurrent.
Death by Exploding Tank: January 29, 2013
In the late afternoon of October 8, a loud explosion was heard around the town of San Pedro on Belize's Ambergris Caye. Read our story about what happened, what could have been the cause of it, and why you should avoid a certain area of dive shops and liveaboards when diving overseas. The story "Death in Belize from Exploding Tanks" in our January issue is available to read free of charge at Undercurrent.
Ben Davison, editor/publisher Contact Ben
Note: Undercurrent is a registered 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization donating funds to help preserve coral reefs. Our travel writers never announce their purpose, are unknown to the destination, and receive no complimentary services or compensation from the dive operators or resort.
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