Shark Stroking: Free Diving with Great Whites

A call I got recently from Dr. Chip Scarlett of Austin, Texas got my attention. “You have to drop what you’re doing and check out these white shark photos on this guy’s website,” he gushed enthusiastically into my speaker phone. “C’mon, Chip,” I yawned. “I’ve seen more white shark images than a sea lion at … Read more

Fresh Fish? Think Twice Before Ordering

People are now eating manta rays. That right, those lovely creatures you spend thousands of dollars to dive with in the Revilligado Islands, Yap and the Maldives. It’s all because shark populations are crashing.

As we watch the sunset at the end of a day’s diving, how many of us delight in ordering the fresh local grouper? Or snapper? Or lobster? And then decry the declining population of critters on the reef before we’ve even digested our meal.