Remote Dive Site Contingencies: When Evacuation Is Not An Option

As secret agent James Bond once sagely observed to Q, who supplied his special equipment and was complaining that he was bringing it back damaged, “It’s hell out there in the field.” Divers aren’t dealing with jet-packs, ejection seats in Aston-Martin sports cars, or the best way to use the strangling wire released from the … Read more

Free Diving Hazards

Sam Espinosa parked his battered pickup truck full of yellowfin grouper, snapper, and pay for essay writing a smattering of big pelagic fish in front of my office and with obvious difficulty climbed the front walk. He presented himself with progressive symptoms including limb pain, patchy areas of numbness and tingling, along with exceptional fatigue and … Read more

ZACATON: The Tragic Death of Sheck Exley

Zacaton is the deepest of five ceynotes located on a large ranch, El Rancho Asufrosa, in northeastern Mexico. It was “discovered” by Jim Bowden and Ann Kristovich on a reconnaissance trip made at the end of two weeks of exploration and surveying in the Nacimiento Santa Clara, a cave system at the base of the … Read more