The Dangers of Social Media

Occasionally, a boat crew witnesses some diver doing so incredibly stupid that, rather than dismiss it as a one-off event, it’s simpler to write it into the boat’s policy or procedures. Like the liveaboard I worked on once; we had a rule that divers, equipped with tanks in place, should step down the ladder at … Read more

The Great Barrier Reef is dying. Why does nobody seem to care?

We seem to be wilfully blind when it comes to nature. Right now, Australia is in the grip of an unprecedented environmental disaster. The largest living structure on Earth, the Great Barrier Reef, is mortally sick. Across hundreds of miles of ocean, from Papua New Guinea and all the way southwards along the east coast … Read more

He Hath Fouled It Upon the Seas

by James (Jim) Hansen For many years, the motto of the Cayman Islands has been “He hath founded it upon the seas.” It reflects a proud heritage of seafaring, boatbuilding, harvesting the catch from surrounding waters, promoting and supporting the exploration of the undersea world, and caring stewardship of the marine environment. How much longer … Read more

A Practical Discussion of Nitrogen Narcosis

A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE There have been numerous articles written on the subjects of inert gas narcosis and attendant depth limitations. Many have re-hashed old formulas relating the preposterous “Martini’s Law” etc. and sanctimonious admonitions against any sport diving below 130 fsw. The authors of these materials are motivated by the best of intentions: diving safety. … Read more