Dive Guides From Hell

I’m lucky.  Most of the dive guides at the operations we frequent are knowledgeable, helpful, skilled divers who spoil us silly.  They love showing us critters (but enough with the pygmy seahorses already!), and understand the currents and other idiosyncrasies of the dive sites. But a few weeks ago we had to dive with a character … Read more

Submersible Stress!

There is really nothing new about deep diving submersible vehicles. Ed Link and other innovators dreamed up models back in the 1960s that seemed like they were excerpted from the pages of a Jules Verne novel. Originally, these subs were employed in pioneering oceanographic and scientific projects and were responsible for opening doors to the … Read more

The Job is Yours

Over the years, while operating our live-aboard dive boat, we had to face the challenge of recruiting good staff. I have come to realize that, as a veteran in the dive business, there is a service that I can now provide to both job seekers and boat operators: I can write testimonials for up and … Read more

Copenhagen, COP 15 UN Climate Conference December 8

I arrived in Copenhagen Tuesday afternoon, excited about engaging in the historic UN Climate Conference.  While you know me as the editor of Undercurrent, I’m here in my new capacity to organize the International Court for the Environment Coalition in the U.S. Quite simply, a movement is underway to create such a court to hold … Read more