A Seaplane Rendezvous: “You Can’t Get There From Here”

I was on assignment nearly two decades ago when scheduling screw-ups got me into the airport late for a trip on Peter Hughes’ liveaboard SEA DANCER, I discovered that I had literally “missed the boat”. Stranded in Miami with dive model Mary Riley and a load of camera equipment and dive gear, I called my … Read more

Maritime Trivia

As a licensed professional master of vessels from motor yachts to cruise ships, I’ve lived with the esoteric lexicon of the mariner for nearly forty years. To the uninitiated, the language of the sea might as well be Pig Latin for most casual observers. But the layperson need not feel completely left out. The origins … Read more

New Reefs Can Save the Old

Think about this scenario: You and 15 other divers on a liveaboard motor overnight to an isolated, uninhabited chain of islands. The following morning you pour a cup of coffee, step out on deck to salute the dawn and revel in some much-needed solitude. Big surprise! Unfortunately, the early morning light reveals a couple of … Read more