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Divers from National Geographic's Pristine Sea expedition
exploring the Solomon Islands near the island of San
Cristobal in October stumbled across what is probably the
world's largest coral colony.
Manu San Félix spotted the colossal structure while filming
near Malaulalo Island. Initially, the team thought they
had come across a shipwreck due to the sheer size of the
object detected on their maps, reports the Jerusalem Post. San
Félix recalled, "I went diving in a place where the map said
there was a shipwreck, and then I saw something." Diving
down to investigate, he was astonished to find that the shadow
was not a shipwreck but a world-record-beating mega-coral,
covering an area 112 by 105 feet. Larger than a blue whale,
the planet's largest animal, this spectacular coral is so enormous
that it can be seen from space, yet it has long gone
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