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Dear Undercurrent Subscriber Mr. Ben Davison,

      With dive travel underway after a 15-month hiatus, Undercurrent is ready to resume on a limited basis until the world beyond the Caribbean opens up.

When we stopped publication in May 2020, we also stopped renewing subscriptions; if you had four months left on your subscription, you still do. While we had no income at all, we provided frequent emails to keep you informed about issues in the diving world.  We're now ready to up our game, still with a reduced publication schedule, but with our anonymous travel reviews and articles important to diving, you'll find nowhere else.

In the next couple of days, you will receive the first issue we produced in 15 months, with our masked reviewer in Cozumel – is it safe to go there? -- and other essential articles about diving.  More issues will follow, not yet every month, but as frequently as our travel reviewers begin boarding planes and getting wet.  Between issues, we will continue to send you subscriber-only emails alerting you to critical diving and travel issues.

With Undercurrent's resumption, we will begin renewing subscriptions, not at the standard rate, but rather at a reduced $16.95 for six months until we get back to a regular schedule with full-length issues.  For the few subscribers on a monthly payment schedule, that will remain the same.

As has been the case for 46 years, if at any time during your renewed six-month subscription you are dissatisfied with Undercurrent, just send me an email at BenDDavison@undercurrent.org, and I’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

So, thanks so much for your patience, and now let's go diving!

                                                            Ben Davison, Publisher

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