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January 16, 2020  

Dear Fellow Diver:

Koala being rescued
Photo courtesy of oto coursety David Mariuz / AAP Ima
The fire-stricken animals of Australia need your help. Immediately.

You see, perhaps a half billion animals – koalas, cockatoos, kangaroos -- have been killed by the horrific fires raging through Australia. Many species may face extinction. They simply can’t run fast enough to escape. They, like koalas in eucalyptus trees, are stuck.

But, there is something you and I can do about it.

Thousands of volunteers in Australia are rescuing animals, treating their wounds, and feeding those who have escaped the fires. Thousands more volunteers are preparing and dropping food to millions of isolated animals who are starving in burned forests.

They need your help. You and I can’t go to Australia to join in, but we can donate money to buy urgent medical supplies and food to save the animals, which they desperately need.

Carrots being distributed to wallabees
Photo courtesy of TWITTER/@MATT_KEANMP
I am sure you, as am I, are deeply touched by the tragedy. To respond, Undercurrent is donating $2000 and I, personally, am donating another $1000.

Will you join us with a contribution to save these unique animals?

Every dollar you contribute will go directly to two dedicated groups I have located that are working 24 hours a day to save these precious animals. Even platypuses are dying, as the river water heats and falling ash clogs the streams.

To survive, these animals need your generous contribution today, immediately.

Please join me now. Every penny you give will go directly to vetted Australian organizations busting their butts around the clock to save these exceptional animals.

Don’t let down these injured and starving animals. You can save them with your generous support by clicking here right now.

Ben Davison, Publisher Undercurrent
Contact Ben

PS: For American donors, your contribution is fully tax-deductible. Click here. to save and feed the koalas, the kangaroos, and all the struggling animals.

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